PS3 Slogan Revealed
"This is Living".. [PogoWolf: No I'm not joking] The marketing slogan for PlayStation 3 has been revealed, yet nobody seems to have noticed! [PogoWolf: or Cared.] Therefore, Kikizo "reveals" the tagline with a fetching video to prove it.
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The official slogan for PlayStation 3 in Europe: "This is Living".
The seductive, ludicrously shiny black casing of PS3, marked with the iconic lettering of the PS3 logo, disintegrates into a thousand pieces before re-forming into a bold, bubbly font spelling the words This is Living, a logo in itself which beats like a heart twice 'up-close' and then twice 'distant' (repeat)...
The sequence, which you can see in its entirety below, was revealed in Germany last week at the Leipzig Games Convention, in between a line-up of updated trailers (see them in HD here) at Sony's public booth. Yet, despite some 150,000 consumers and 2,000 journalists being present at the event, the first evidence of the slick branding seems to be on this very page.
A SCE European representative today confirmed to Kikizo that the slogan is the final European PS3 slogan to be used for launch marketing. This presumably includes the UK but SCE UK could not confirm this for sure at the time of press. The SCEE spokesperson added that he could not confirm whether North America and Japan would use their own slogans (which seems likely).
UPDATE: A SCE UK representative has indicated to us that further territory-specific details will be available soon.
Like, OMG! WTF, Mate?
'This is living'? Who was the asshat that thought that one up?!
and WHY?