Now how can you go wrong there? =)
GamersVue a full functional Video game Blog with news, information, and ramblings of a 30-Something gamer.
Spike TV's Video Game Awards winners announced
Expect the expected: another year passes with Spike TV failing to be either daring or creative with the winners of their annual gaming awards.
Source: Spike TV's Video Game Awards winners announced
Originally published on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 19:53:00 GMT by (Ben Kuchera)
Violent video games have long been the subject of concern, but now a religious title is stirring controversy. Left Behind: Eternal Forces, a T-rated PC real-time strategy game based on the popular Left Behind book series, has come under fire by online political groups.
Source: Controversial Christian Game Under Fire
Originally published on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 17:30:41 GMT