Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Jessica Biel...

Now how can you go wrong there? =)

Spike TV's Video Game Awards winners announced

Spike TV's Video Game Awards winners announced 

Expect the expected: another year passes with Spike TV failing to be either daring or creative with the winners of their annual gaming awards.

Source: Spike TV's Video Game Awards winners announced
Originally published on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 19:53:00 GMT by (Ben Kuchera)

Controversial Christian Game Under Fire


Violent video games have long been the subject of concern, but now a religious title is stirring controversy. Left Behind: Eternal Forces, a T-rated PC real-time strategy game based on the popular Left Behind book series, has come under fire by online political groups.

Source: Controversial Christian Game Under Fire
Originally published on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 17:30:41 GMT

Violent end to PS3 shooting saga

Violent end to PS3 shooting saga
from Game Addicts by Edwin
Nobody could claim that the PS3 launch was smooth to say the least, with plenty of jacked up prices, muggings, and even a shooting just to get Sony’s fabled next generation console. The shooting incident brought about a new low to the world of video gaming, and does not do justice for the majority of us peace-loving gamers. Apparently, a suspect of the November 17th armed robbery of a University of North Carolina Wilmington student was shot dead by a New Hanover County sheriff’s deputy.

18 year old Peyton Strickland gave up the ghost at his front door after both he and his pet dog, a German Shepherd, were shot. This happened after Peyton opened the door where subsequently a loud fight ensued that ended in the most ghastly manner possible. According to Strickland’s roommate who was at home at that time, Peyton was unarmed when he opened the door, which leaves plenty of questions left behind to be answered.
A full and thorough investigation has already been launched by Ben David, the New Hanover County District Attorney. He claims that he will leave no stone unturned in the investigation, and neither will he show favoritism to his deputy. It is amazing how something like the PlayStation 3 could result in such senseless bloodshed? Aren’t we all grown up enough to wait for the next console shipment if we can’t get our fix today? Is gaming really responsible for degenerating the society’s mind up to such a low level? You don’t see the same kind of madness surrounding the Nintendo Wii despite having shortage problems (albeit at a lesser scale) as well. What’s your take on this?