The creators of the cult comedy series turn their sights on the gaming business.
Author: forbes
Added: December 20, 2006
Source: Red Vs Blue Sees Green
Originally published on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 21:45:16 GMT
GamersVue a full functional Video game Blog with news, information, and ramblings of a 30-Something gamer.
The creators of the cult comedy series turn their sights on the gaming business.
Author: forbes
Added: December 20, 2006
Source: Red Vs Blue Sees Green
Originally published on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 21:45:16 GMT
Gamasutra is running a piece today written by Ernest Adams, a frequent contributor to the site and an amusingly opinionated game designer. He writes to weigh in on the console war debate from the perspective of a game designer. He runs down the usual list of pros and cons for each machine, and then digs into the most creative aspects of each machine. Finally, lays out what he sees as the end result of this hardware generation: "So who, at the end of the day, will be the also-ran in this generation of consoles? On the global scale, I'd say it could well be neither the PS3 or the Wii, but the XBox 360. The PS3 will win over the hardcore gamers who have to have the fastest, most amazing machine available. The Wii will skim off the younger players and those who don't have as much money to spend. Both have the advantage of being made in Japan, so they'll crowd the XBox right out of that market. In the US and Europe, it's harder to say, but I see the XBox's early start as more of a liability than a benefit."
Source: 360 vs. PS3 vs. Wii - The Designer's Perspective
Originally published on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 19:08:00 GMT
I'm sorry Mr. Adams. I would like to know what you are smoking, and where might I get some? Do you not watch the Internet? Do you not see the marketing treads going on? Do you not have your pulse on the game?
"N64 was a strategic mistake"
Yes and no. Nintendo took a gamble that people wouldn't want to wait 2-3 minutes for a game to load. Does anyone remember the HORRIBLE load times on Battle Arena Toshiden?! Oh wait.. that really hasn't changed much has it. *cough* Ape Escape for the PSP.
The main problem the N64 had was the lack of titles up front, and Nintendo pulling the plug on the machine just a tad to early. Many great games where made for the N64 and sold more then most of the PS1 games. 007 and Perfect Dark, just to name a couple. The N64 controller is still thought as being one of the best controllers made for a home system. But really, the N64 just couldn't compete with Sony's one PS1 killer app. Final Fantasy 7.
"PS3, which is undoubtedly the most powerful game console ever built"
undoubtedly?! My ass. This is where I would like to know what you are smoking and where I might get some.The PS3 is a pile of crap produced by a company that using virus marketing and proven to flat out LIE to it's customers all for the sake of the mighty dollar. The Cell technology is unproven. It's not even RUNNING as a 'true' cell system (7 cores, not a true 8), there's been over heating problems, there has been problems with the system even reading Blu-Ray DVD's, you need to PATCH the firmware before you can even PLAY some games (out of the box) the system doesn't even include the cables needed to produce games in true HD and above and beyond that, have you seen the screen shots comparing games running in emulation mode on a PS3 VS PS2 native? They look horrid. The PS3 is a $600 Blu-Ray player that just happens to play games.
"good games alone cannot guarantee a console’s success"
Total bull shit. It's ALL about the games. Perfect example here is the PS1. Horrible graphics. Horrible Sound.. Yet sold millions. Why? Final Fantasy 7. SOLID game, and one of the best ever created. The Atari 2600. HORRIBLE graphics and sound again. But again, sold millions (and caused the great game crash of '83.. but that's another story) The Dreamcast STILL has a following, because of the games. Where as the PS1 is pretty much dead and gone.. why is that?
"(the Japanese are reputed to have ignored the first XBox because it was just too big and clunky for their apartments)"
Yet, the PS3 is bigger then the original XBox and has all the features that Sony stated didn't matter.. like a Hard drive.. OH wait..it's not doing very well either.. Perhaps you've got a point on the 'form factor'
"the PS3 is a programmer’s and a filmmaker’s dream."
HUH? what does a filmmaker have do to with the price of eggs in China? Programmers dream? what about costs of porting code from one platform to another? (Something you don't have a problem with between the PC and the XBox 360) What about all the programmers saying the PS3 is a female dog to code for and in some ways worst then the PS2 which has been stated more then once to be a very hard toolset to code with.
Besides things like: "inverse kinematics" and "physics" are done by the CPU, 9 times out of 10 the "visual effects" are done by the GPU.
two completely different systems, and I've seen demos on an old C64 with 48k of RAM blow away something done on a PC. It's all about code, HOW you code it, and how to use the hardware to the max.
Besides, at this stage, the advantage that the PS3 has over the 360 (or the PC for that matter) is TOTAL theory. Right now, most of the games that are ported between the PS3 and the 360 look better on the 360.
"the PS3 is evolutionary"
So taking other company's ideas and fusing them together is called evolutionary now? Huh.. I just thought it was stealing.
"[the Wii controller] takes away functionality found on other consoles."
Duh. That's because the Wii is being what it was designed to be. A Game console. Not a multi-media machine that happens to play games. That's the MAIN point of where the 360 and the PS3 and the Wii are divided. The Wii is a pure game console. The 360 is a game console that can act as a multi-media device, and the PS3 is a multi-media device that also happens to play games.
"they can’t save the Wii if the ordinary Wii Remote tanks with the consumer."
.. and the Wii is out selling the PS3 and has been since it was introduced. I don't think that's a problem.
"Sony’s most revolutionary gaming innovation was not the PS3, but the Eye Toy."
this is a joke.. come on..it's got to be a joke. what's the punch line? the PS3? HA!!! funny. Web cams have been around forever. The Tech. of the Eye Toy has also been around forever. I wouldn't call it revolutionary by a long shot. The Wii controller? THAT'S revolutionary. Hmm.. makes me wonder if Nintendo didn't take the idea for the Wii controller off the Eye toy.. *ponder*
"Now, longtime readers of this column will know that I’m not a big fan of hardware-driven game design."
Yet, you are going off about how wonderful the PS3 is?
"So who, at the end of the day, will be the also-ran in this generation of consoles? On the global scale, I’d say it could well be neither the PS3 or the Wii, but the XBox 360. The PS3 will win over the hardcore gamers who have to have the fastest, most amazing machine available. The Wii will skim off the younger players and those who don’t have as much money to spend. "
Dude.. friend.. you've got it all basakwards. You're making the mistake of trying to Compare next-Gen consoles with a Wii. They are in two separate categories. The Wii is selling better then the 360 did by a long shot. There's more support for the Wii. The 360 is still lacking on one HUGE area... The Games And the PS3 was released DOA. The 'huge' sales of the PS3 where due to people buying them up to sell on Ebay. Right now the Wii is selling better then the PS3. which is just funny.
SOOOooooo.. at the end of the day, who's winning the NEXT-Gen battle? the Xbox360. The PS3 won over the people that would buy a Sony even if it caused cancer, anyone that was in the know stayed WELL clear of that console, and even the number of hard-core Sony diehards looked at the PS3 after getting one saying "WTF?!"
"but I see the Xbox’s early start as more of a liability than a benefit. "
That's only if M$ doesn't kick someone's ass and get some freaking GAMES to the system. I'm talking real honest to God Console games. Not PC ports and 'Pac-man'. I doubt many people spent the money on a 360 just to play Pac-Man over LIVE! it's called MAME and a PC.. MUCH cheaper.
"but they can no longer claim to be the latest, greatest thing – especially as the PS3 plays Blu-Ray disks out of the box, but HD-DVD is only available for the XBox as an add-on. "
Duh? I assume you've not read any reviews about the piss-poor quality of the Blu-Ray format either? Even the $600 Blu-Ray player is a wash, due to slow load times. Slow response times, and worse yet, bad image and sound quality.
"The Dreamcast got an early start too, and look how that ended."
That ended because of the lack of marketing of Segas Part. After the whole "Genesis does what Nintendon't" series, Sega just kinda sat back and figured there name would carry the system. It also didn't help that Sega really didn't TELL anyone they where releasing the console.
PC World is running a great retrospective on videogame consoles, looking all the way back to Atari's pong. The best part is, they're doing it via television ads for the systems. The article features highly entertaining blipverts for Pong, the Fairchild, the VCS, the 2600, the Intellivision, the Odyssey, Vectrex, Colecovision, the Atari 5200, and many, many more. From the article: "Gamers were tiring of PONG consoles, and Fairchild Instrument and Camera's Channel F console offered a fresh new alternative. It featured programmable 'videocarts' containing ROM chips and code, as opposed to the dedicated circuits that the Magnavox Odyssey's plug-in cards used. The cartridge concept emerged as an industry standard, and is still used in handheld gaming devices today."
Source: A History of Game Consoles, As Seen on TV
Originally published on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 20:38:00 GMT