Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Something else to think about on the PS3...

This is for all the Sony Fanboys out there that still believe the PS3 is cooler then God.Fact: The Panasonic LF-MB121JD Blu-ray drive shipped June 10th for $850.So here's some logic for you.Again, $850 for a nothing more then a PC based Blu-Ray BURNER. So lets add some logic here. We all know the PS3 will be at least $600 (fuck the 'base' system) So, now.. let's say we yank off about $300 off the burner for the 'burner' part of the drive. That leaves us with a $550 Blu-Ray the PS3 is a $550 Blu-Ray Player.. and a $50 game console..

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